Learn & Reflect (NL)

Changing perspectives. Conversations about science (communication) in today’s world.

I.c.w. Athena Instituut VU

What determines the choices you make in how you communicate about science? We all have experiences in conveying our story, but what role do we assign ourselves and what do we find important? What is missing to communicate meaningful science in the present day?

Frank Kupper, Willemine Willems and Sem Barendse investigate what scientists need to communicate meaningfully about their knowledge and profession. As part of the enrichment program, they have developed a workshop for Rewarded! scientists in which the participants actively reflect together on their role as scientists in society in order to gain more insight into what is missing to make science part of today’s society.

With playful exercises and engaging discussions, we attempt to identify and analyze our own science communication roles and repertoires, and learn from those of others. In this workshop you reflect on your own role in the changing relationships between science and society.

By taking part in the workshop, you also contribute to the research of the Rewarded! program on the significance of science communication for scientists. Interested? Register now for the workshop on Friday the 8th of April.

This workshop is currently only available in Dutch
You are welcome to join our Dutch-spoken program or let us know your interested in a specific program in English