Scientists reaching out (NL)

How do you engage stakeholders and interested parties with your research?

Samenweten organizes workshops for early career researchers (PhD students and postdocs) of all fields to explore the broader societal context of your research. 

During the workshop you discuss with a diverse panel of scientists that are experienced in science communication as well as other experts in science communication and public engagement. Based on the panel discussion you receive tips on how you can more effectively interact with your target group and you learn what you can gain by engaging the general public with your research. 

During the workshop we will also do various excercises to address the questions:

  • How is your research topic talked about in the public domain? 
  • Which groups are most interested or concerned in these issues? 
  • How to reach out to societal organisations?

The next workshop is planned for Friday January 28 9.30-12.30 hr online. Participation is free of charge. Scientists who are part of the Rewarded-program get priority in the admission.

Panel 28th of January 2022:

  • Ionica Smeets, Hoogleraar Wetenschapscommunicatie, Wiskunde, Universiteit Leiden
  • Martijn Wieling, Bijzonder hoogleraar Nedersaksische / Groningse Taal en Cultuur, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • Steffie Ypma, Postdoctoraal onderzoeker Fysische Oceanografie, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Eelco de Koning, Hoogleraar Diabetologie, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum

This workshop is currently only available in Dutch
You are welcome to join our Dutch-spoken program or let us know your interest for a specific program in English by sending over a message to

During previous workshops, the participants discussed with the following panel members:

Panel March 26, 2021: researchers with experience in science communication

  • Maarten Kleinhans, Fysische geografie, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Martine Veldhuizen, Talen, Literatuur en Communicatie, Universiteit Utrecht 
  • Froukje Rienks, hoofd PR en wetenschapscommunicatie, NIOO-KNAW Wageningen

Panel Oktober 16, 2020: mix of communication experts

  • Jop de Vrieze, onafhankelijk wetenschapsjournalist en onderzoeksjournalist
  • Miranda Thoen, projectmanager public engagement, CWC Universiteit Utrecht
  • Leon Heuts, hoofdredacteur NEMO Kennislink, Amsterdam

Panel Oktober 2, 2020: researchers with experience in science communication

  • Lotte Krabbenborg, Institute for Science and Society, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen
  • Hanneke Hulst, Neurowetenschappen, Amsterdam UMC
  • Hans Clevers, Hubrecht Institute for Developmentel Biology and Stem Cell Research, Utrecht