Public law for a wide audience

Public law for a wide audience

Faculty of Law, Open University, Rotterdam

Since 2018, three researchers at the Faculty of Law have been working to make current public law issues understandable. They contribute to knowledge-sharing and awareness-raising, especially about criminology, criminal law, and animal rights, usually via existing media, such as the press, podcasts, radio programmes, and public lectures. From time to time, they act as experts during hearings in Parliament. The researchers consider it important to keep the general public, politicians, and policymakers informed, so that findings in their field find a direct echo in society as a whole.

The grant from the Rewarded! Fund will enable them to set up a faculty-wide seminar series aimed at guiding other colleagues in effective science communication. It also provides support for enhancing the design and further programmes on the website, which the faculty has been running since 2020 together with its sister faculty in Tilburg.

Novum magazine – In gesprek met Janneke Vink
NederlandRechtsstaat – blog

Svenn Brinkhoff, hoogleraar

Other group members:
Janine Janssen, hoogleraar
Janneke Vink, universitair docent

Foto van Tweede Kamer bij een hoorzitting
Soms treden de wetenschappers op als deskundigen tijdens hoorzittingen in het parlement
Cover van een journal over dierenrechten
Cover van boek The Open Society and Its Animals door Janneke Vink