

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen

Leadership and management: science-based knowledge of these is important for organisations and for society as a whole. In the LEAD (Leadership, Evidence, Advice, and Data) is an interdisciplinary expertise centre whose mission is to support organisations and strategic leaders in making effective choices through scientific research and education. The researchers associated with the centre aim to inform a broad public – in particular stakeholders such as executives of both public and private organisations – about the relevance of scientific findings regarding the effectiveness of leadership for actual practice.

Their book Goede leiders zweven niet [Good Leaders Aren’t Woolly] deals with state-of-the-art scientific knowledge of leadership and management, and relates it to current trends and issues in organisations and society. In the LEAD publicises knowledge about these topics through lectures, podcasts, webinars, and a monthly column on leadership in the Financiële Dagblad newspaper.

The grant from the Rewarded! Fund will give the team the opportunity to develop and professionalise its activities in the field of science communication, for example by communicating its research results even more professionally.

RUG – Expertisecentrum In the LEAD
Managementboek – Goede leiders zweven niet

Janka Stoker, directeur In the LEAD, hoogleraar

Other group members:
Harry Garretsen, directeur In the LEAD, hoogleraar
Maite Lameris, post-doc
Olga Hesling, programma-manager

Cover van boek: Goede leiders zweven niet. Illustratie van hand die met een ballon lekprikt
Boekcover Goede leiders zweven niet (2018)