Information Management for Crisis and Disaster Management

Information Management for Crisis and Disaster Management

University of Tilburg, Tilburg School of Economics and Management

When a crisis occurs, information plays a crucial role. This team of researchers actively deploy their scientific knowhow about crisis situations and disaster management in cooperation with relief organisations at home and abroad so as to inform and support both them and the affected population. In addition, they motivate and support students taking Information Management programmes in their development as crisis management professionals.

The group use information sessions, workshops, and publications to provide information for stakeholders, i.e. crisis management organisations (the Dutch Safety Regions, the emergency services, the EU and UN, municipalities, and public authorities). Students from various programmes at universities and colleges are involved in this through simulations and serious gaming, as well as through their studies as such. Outreach to the general public is via YouTube, opinion magazines, etc.

The grant from the Rewarded! Fund will enable the researchers to consolidate these activities. They will also be able to create opportunities for consolidating activities and making them easier to find and more searchable for all the target groups. This will involve setting up an online platform where students, researchers, and crisis management professionals can interact, both before, during, and after crisis situations.

Websites: – Stad en regio
Punt – Hoe handel jij in een rampensituatie

Kenny Meesters, onderzoeker/docent

Other group members
Joris Hulstijn, associate professor
Carol Ou, hoogleraar