Anton Pannekoek Institute celebrates its centenary!

Anton Pannekoek Institute celebrates its centenary!

Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam

Stars, planets, and galaxies are endlessly fascinating. Everyone – young and old – who is curious about the universe is cordially invited to immerse themself in the many activities of the scientists at the Anton Pannekoek Institute. For many years, they have been popularising astronomy through public information, books for the general public, and appearances on radio and TV.

The research team enthusiastically communicate their fascination with the universe to a wide audience, informing them about the rich history of Dutch astronomy and about what is currently happening at the forefront of astronomical research. One example of their work is the book Anton Pannekoek: Ways of Viewing Science and Society, about the distinguished astronomer and world-famous socialist theorist. Readers with a more general interest in the universe may be interested in the book Sterrenkunde voor in bed, op het toilet of in bad [Astronomy for in Bed, in the Loo, or in the Bath]. For those who prefer listening or watching, the group provide online lectures, appearances on radio and TV, and soon their own podcast.

The research team intend using the grant from the Rewarded! Fund to produce a podcast series about Anton Pannekoek so as to commemorate the Institute’s centenary in 2021.

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Lucas Ellerbroek, instituutsmanager

Other group members:
Ed van den Heuvel, emeritus hoogleraar
Sarah Brands, promovendus
Chaokang Tai, promovendus
Alex de Koter, hoogleraar
Gijs Nelemans, directeur/hoogleraar (tevens kleinzoon Anton Pannekoek)
Anna Watts, hoogleraar

Foto roze lucht van Anton Pannekoek
Anton Pannekoek Instituut bij ondergaande zon
Foto volle maan bij nacht van Anton Pannekoek
Anton Pannekoek Instituut bij maanlicht van een bloedmaan